Check Out For Home Energy Assistance Programs For Low Income Families-Finding a roof for your family is undoubtedly an indispensable task but ascertaining its energy efficiency is also essential.
Weatherizing your home can prove to be very beneficial in reducing the energy bills and securing it from damages through the all-round repair work and safety checks.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) administers the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) that offers grants to territories, states and certain Indian tribes for energy efficiency improvement in houses of low income families.
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The nonprofit agencies and local governments finally are assigned the task of weatherization for the eligible families, making use of the latest technologies and equipment for the up-gradation work.
If your house also needs energy assistance service, apply with the DOE today.
Have a Look at Home Energy Assistance Eligibility Criteria
The U.S. Department of Energy administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for all eligible house owners with financial crisis. The program assists in reducing the costs of heating and cooling energy and also in weatherize homes.

If you wish to apply for the program then you must contact the state weatherization agency in your state as all application process and services are offered by them and not directly by the DOE.
But before you apply, determine your eligibility criteria first for weatherization and home energy assistance. The decisive factors are:
i. Your income level is of prime importance. Each state affirms its individual income requirements following the DOE guidelines. States differ in their criteria
ii. If you or any of your family are a recipient of any assistance or benefit programs like Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or Supplemental Security Income then you automatically qualify for the weatherization assistance service. Besides, preference is given to
iii. People more than 60 years of age
iv. Families having one or more members with disability issues
v. Families with children
For more information or specific guidelines to qualify you can get in touch with the Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center (WAPTAC) that provides contact information about Weatherization Assistance Program of your state and other U.S. territories.
Benefits That You Can Achieve
The benefits of weatherization and home energy assistance are immense hence be the next one to apply for it.
i. It is a highly cost-effective measure for all low-income families
ii. The WAP addresses several energy efficiency areas such as the complete building, electrical system, heating, and cooling system and electricity consuming appliances
iii. It reduces the energy bills of the households for several years. In case of heating and cooling weatherization you get up to 10-15 years of saving and others like insulation of walls and roof gives you a guaranteed 30 years of savings or more
iv. All-round safety is ensured through weatherization by professionals for old houses or buildings for the protection of the householders
v. It is like a ‘whole house weatherization’ that is offered to you by the government free of cost
vi. Additional services are now formulated for supplementary programs known as Weatherization Plus
Since the inception of DOE in 1976, as many as 7 million house owners have been able to reduce their energy bills. The eligibility criteria are flexible enabling more than 20–30 million U.S. people to qualify for the services. You too do not lag behind.
Contact your state weatherization agency, know your eligibility criteria and maximize your home energy. Apply today for home energy assistance programs and save your dollars.
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